Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Build Yourself an Ark

Well it's the day after Christmas, and we survived the Great Mayan Armageddon, so what's next?

The theory I'm about to outline is not a new theory by any means.  In fact, it's as old as modern society but it is not practiced enough.  I call it Building Yourself an Ark.

What is an Ark?  Well there are many meanings, but in this instance I'm talking about an Act of Random Kindness. 

Most of the religions in the world speak of kindness and doing well for others, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a religious virtue.  Why can't it be a human virtue?  It doesn't take a whole lot of effort, and it doesn't need to involve money. 

My advice for the human race is to make a New Years resolution.  Let's all try to do one act or random kindness per day.  It doesn't have to be a big act.  Holding doors open for others, helping carrying groceries for an older person, etc.  Then we can build up these acts.  Volunteer at homeless or pet adoption shelters, volunteer at groups like Alcoholics Anonymous. Just a few ideas.

If we start out small and work our way to big things, we can accomplish great things.  If they're anything I learned from the Christmas holiday, it's that we are all brothers and sisters and some just need more help than others.  Some have it better, and maybe some of those who have it better than others should volunteer just a small chunk of they're time in helping those less fortunate. 

Together with a little work, we can make this world a better, more peaceful place to live in.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Let's Remember December 12 2012 As A New Social Renaissance

December 21, 2012 probably isn't the end of the world...but it can be the end of the world as we know it.
When we look at each other, all we see is differences. Differences in color, race, religion, sizes, styles, and everything else in between. I am calling for December 21, 2012 to be the new worldwide social Renaissance.
We are all brothers and sisters. The same blood that flows through your veins ...also flows through mine. We are all children of 1 mother, and that mother is named Earth, and she is always there for us.
Let us mark this day and remember it as the day where the human race stood up in a single voice and agreed to end tyranny, violence, greed, starvation, war, suffering, and everything else that acts as a cancer on our racial resume.
A great man, Martin Luther King Jr. once said "I Have A Dream" I also have a dream. My dream is that 1 day we the people can stop noticing the differences between us, and be happy for the simularities.
Let us use this message to start a movement, to make our voices heard. We the people of the human race should no longer be tolerant of violent oppression, excessive greed, or unfair persecution.
Let us mark December 21,2012 as the day when The Human Race started to become civilized again